Bamboo Village Initiative Program in East Java

Project OwnersEnvironmental Bamboo Foundation
Project PartnersDonor: - Yayasan Sahabat Multi Bintang District Government: - Pemerintah Kabupaten Mojokerto - Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Mojokerto - KPH Pasuruan BUMN: - Perhutani - PT. Geo Dipa Energi Academician: - Universitas Islam Majapahit Mojokerto NGO: - Wehasta - Perkawi, pelaku penggiat pelestarian alam Local Community: - Boon Pring - Pengelola Kawasan Indreng Genitri, Lembaga Pusat Pelatihan Konservasi Alam (PPKA) - Pengusaha Bambu Lokal - Karang Taruna Desa Claket
Action ScaleProvince
Themes & Indicators Ecosystem
  • Spatial extent (hectare or km2) of water related ecosystem is maintained or enhanced.
  • Quality of water and water related ecosystems is monitored, maintained, and improved
  • Conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements is ensured
Action Duration2020 - 2023
Progress StatusImplementation
Funding Source*-
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Description The Bamboo Village Initiative Program aims to encourage a community-based bamboo industry movement by restoring degraded land and conserving water catchment areas that actively involve community participation in all processes. Capacity building activities were provided to more than 300 people in different communities through field schools that taught the concept of sustainable bamboo management in every stage from seedling, planting, caring, harvesting and using bamboo to improve the community's economy. A total of 175,983 bamboo seedlings were made and an area of 182.13 ha of land has been rehabilitated by collaborative planting of bamboo along the Cumpleng sub-watershed, Brantas watershed and its surroundings.